Monday, June 21, 2010


Onions growing big...

Pepper turning yellow...

Baby red pepper starting to grow...
Yellow tomatoes getting ripe...
Red tomato almost ready...
Freshly pulled garlic drying in the sun...

You know what this means... Collin, Oliver and I get to eat tons of fresh salsa SOON! (we are the only ones that like it)

And thank you for not responding "you might be a redneck" to my "you know what this means..." lead in. If you noticed, those are all in pots, a lot of pots (there is also a lettuce, a broccoli and two strawberry pots)... in our backyard. I just couldn't commit to digging the ground, my thumb is not that green. Pots seemed less intimidating. The homeowners association has yet to find out... shhhh... don't tell them!

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