Friday, January 1, 2010

They say...

whatever on New Year's Day you do that you'll do the whole year through. If that's the case, we'll be chasing kids all year (as if there was even a chance that wouldn't be our fate this year).

We took the boys to COSI today. They had a blast running as fast as their little legs could take them. Exploring everything and wearing huge smiles. I think if the saying were to be true, it'll be a great year for them (and I hope it is). Here are some photo highlights of our trip:

After our trip to COSI and lunch, we came home to watch football and eat our pork and sauerkraut dinner - of course the traditional New Year's day good luck meal. The bayberry candle burning was last night, for good luck. I actually forgot to put the pork in the crock pot before we left and it was too late by the time we got home late this afternoon. Steve assured me that after the year we had (namely the downs), that it didn't seem that the pork and sauerkraut really made a difference. I, however, am a creature of habit and I also didn't want to know what a year without a "good luck" meal to start it might bring. Silly, but true. I googled 'how to cook a giant pork roast in the oven fast' and moved forward with the tradition that I have done for most of my life. We toasted this year with sparkling grape juice (which only Oliver and I liked). I'm not going to lie here though, though the pork turned out really well and everything else was good too, the boys were well past their prime with the day of running and no naps. Dinner was full of melting down children, who were refusing to eat while parents shoved food into their own mouths as fast as they could so as to move forward to bath time (again, not unlike any other year).

Regardless, overall the day was a very good one. We have had a rough year on many levels. We chose not to focus on those rough spots which have consumed us lately, but instead to focus on making this a great year through growth and healing, focusing on the moment and the joys, worrying less about the truly unimportant things (and just worrying less period) and embracing all that is dear to us.

Happy New Year everyone! May yours be blessed and happy.

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