23 lbs 5 oz = 20th percentile
32 1/2 inches = 50th percentile
Woo hoo! Oliver was born at 4 lbs 12 ozs and 17 inches long. He was two months old before he made it onto the percentile charts! And then it was only the 5 percentile. I remember the nurse saying at that appointment - "he's now the size of a newborn." He was 8 lbs 3 oz and 19 inches at two months of age.
Collin is now:
26 lbs 11oz = 60th percentile
34 1/2 inches = 90th percentile
Collin was born at 6 lbs 12 ozs and 19 inches long. He actually made it on the charts faster than Oliver, but to be fair they didn't start writing where until he was also two months old. At that point he was in the 25 percentile for all areas. Collin is definitely our most solid child... and by far the tallest at this age.
There was some excitement - for the first time EVER they are on the SAME dose of Tylenol and Motrin!! (hey, it's the little things people...)
All bundled up and ready to leave after shots... poor little guys...you can see the displeasure of the shots in their eyes.
On a side note... there are many things I have learned never to say "never" to 'before you are a mom'... and then some more that qualify as 'before you are a mom of twins'... and even more that qualify as 'before you are a mom of three children who are two years old and under' (or even four years old and under). One of those things is playing with the crate of mega bloks in the examining room and the other is just letting them lay on the floor there as well. It's all about survival people... there's always soap... and everything gets stripped and washed when we get home. Um... no offense to the two Dr. Amys reading this!
1 comment:
18 months...it seems like just yesterday, doesn't it? Time flies... Cameron will be celebrating 8 months this weekend, it doesn't seem possible.
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