The twins really enjoyed this ball area, which had holes with air rushing up on which you could suspend a ball.
Oliver ran from one thing to another like a kid in a candy store not knowing what to do next. He really enjoyed the water area... he was soaked afterwards but didn't care one bit (mental note: bring change of clothes next time - raincoats provided were useless).
Though all three were very quiet and relaxed in the car on the way home, not one fell asleep. Oliver, in fact, refused to nap at all today. We're hoping though that this fun active day translates to a solid night sleep for all with no waking!
By the way, someone mentioned to me that you can add links to Shutterfly albums. Though I knew about adding web links, I didn't realize that you could randomly share albums (thanks Amy V. for being my guinea pig!). So, you will now notice below the "blog archive" on the right there is now a title for Shutterfly albums. I added the one of COSI just for fun. This has all the photos from the day.
Great pictures (Shutterfly too)! Cameron loved COSI, maybe we can all go together sometime...perhaps when Cameron is walking (or sooner).
Jonah loves COSI! It takes me forever to get him away from the big metal dinosaur. Great pics.
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